Lunes, Nobyembre 7, 2011


I just signed my new Internship program yesterday and YEY! It feels so (much) relieving. For the last few weeks I’ve been in chaos of deciding if I will transfer to a new company since the previous company that hired me for OJT (which I’ve just attended for two days) wasn’t really giving us (Me, J and B)  works related to our course. Well, we can’t blame them since we agreed on being assigned to a different department. )

Choosing whether to quit and to stay becomes a really big deal, not only to me but to my co-interns as well. Weighing the Pros and Cons of our actions also gives us a tough time to decide. And of course honestly, the horror of finding another company to accept us, waiting for their calls for interview and acceptance haunted our thoughts once more.  I’m very confused on which decision would be right for me. Thinking about it makes me feel really anxious for the past days. But, Thank God! Answers truly come in different packages; One night, my sister J and our best friend T we’re talking about their “Lovelife” and I was there to just “absorb” their emotions (lol). During their conversation, I asked both of them, “How did you know that you’ve made the right decision if your senses have deceived you and you just said that somehow you became doubtful of it for some moment?”  (during their talk they keep on mentioning this “deception stuff” because of their recent heartbreak to guys which they really loved yet, made them believe that they felt the same and apparently DID NOT <that’s what they said>). Then, my sister answered, “I think, decision only becomes wrong when you know that you’ll regret it and in my case, I didn’t *laughs*”. And EURIKA!! That night I weighed those 2 decisions; which one would make me regret more? Holding on? Or Letting Go. And the answer comes clear.
I decided to let go. I decided to face the horror of being unemployed. I decided to go out of my safety box and expose myself to the world. I quit my OJT and wait for a call <I’ve already attended an interview to a marketing research company who called me during my last chaotic days.>  And After 2 hours of being unemployed, THEY FINNALY CALLED ME AND TOLD ME THAT I’M IN.

I can say that this is one of the biggest decisions I’ve made for myself. And I’m happy and proud that I became courageous enough to face the uncertainties and consequences that are laid for me.

I QUIT a job, yet I feel FREE, HAPPY and I can say that I’ve gained more self confidence. It also turned out that this decision made me love myself and appreciate myself more.

God is so wonderful, that He weaved situation like this on the right time and on the right place. THANK YOU Lord! Thank you for this another testimonial that YOU are bigger than any problems in the world.


Most of the time, I go for what’s already in front of me. I go for what I know is safe and certain. I don’t like the feeling of worrying because I still don’t have this or that while everyone is already enjoying those things. But, through this experience, I’ve learned that there is a greater joy in finding the WHAT IF’s in life. That you’ll feel BIGGER, when you take BIGGER STEPS. You just have to follow your heart and don’t regret the decisions you’ve made.